This last Saturday we went to a festival that is the talk of the town (seriously). It was really really fun! It was a reenactment of life at an eighteenth century trading post in New France. There were people dressed up as French people, and Indians (pardon the expression) and then there were random Scottish performers. I'm not sure why, but it was cool. They also had a TON of booths set up around this camp where vendors sold stuff from that time period (or rather, replicas,) and they had awesome food, and craftsmen there doing demos of different time period things. Here's a smattering of pictures for you to enjoy.
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Here's the Scottish band marching in the background. It was fun to have random "home made" music in the background of the festival the entire day.[/caption]
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This is our attempt of getting a picture of both of us, with the band in the background.[/caption]
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That one's a bit better[/caption]
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You can't see it, but there's a blacksmith in the background.[/caption]
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There, now you can see him[/caption]
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The first food of the day, Stew. I don't remember what the name of it was, but it was just a basic stew. It was pretty good.[/caption]
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The boy scouts making and serving the stew. (With Jonathan on the side blinking... oops) All the food was cooked over an open flame, pretty true to the time period. I can't imagine cooking that much stew, that's a big pot![/caption]
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This is me grinding corn into flour. That wouldn't have been the easiest job.[/caption]
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They had a shooting competition. He's loading up his gun.[/caption]
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Jonathan wanted to try on a three point hat, but they only had child size ones. So with some prodding, he tried it on anyway.[/caption]
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SO COOL!!! There were a lot of women weaving. I wanted to try, I was pretty fascinated.[/caption]
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This couple made these instruments, and he was showing off what it can do. He was good![/caption]
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Making table legs.[/caption]
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OH MY HECK! This blew my mind. She is making lace. All of the wooden pegs are different bobbins. She broke it down for me, how to do it, and it literally blew my mind. She said a professional could whip out a whopping inch of lace in an hour. No wonder lace was so expensive back in the day. Heck, it's still expensive.[/caption]
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Close up.[/caption]

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pork chop. By FAR the best thing we had there. It was sooo good![/caption]
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Apple Fritter. MMM. It was a good way to end the day.[/caption]
We also didn't get a picture of the fry bread we had. It was also quite yummy, and lemonade, which was a bit of a rip off, because they filled the cup (literally, it was full) of ice, and then poured the lemonade in, so there was about two sips worth. But it was quite yummy stuff.
We had a really fun time! Definitely the coolest thing we have done in Lafayette thus far.