Wednesday, January 20, 2016

365 gratitude day 24 and 25

My thought for yesterday: I'm grateful for moments to just cuddle my babies. I had good cuddles with each one individually. It fills me up emotionally, and I know this time that they want to be close is short. I'm grateful that I am the one they come to when they need a cuddle. I'm not crazy fun like daddy (I'm working on being more fun), but I am a nurture-er, and I'm grateful that they know they can get that from me.

Thought from today: it snowed today, we took a drive down to Lafayette. As we drove, I noticed the trees were all covered in snow, and the sky was beautifully overcast. It was such a subtle beauty; it wasn't grand, if you weren't looking for it, you would have missed it.
I'm grateful that I noticed it. It filled me today.

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