Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I did it! I did it!!!

Apparently it can take longer than four months to fully recover from pregnancy. I'm still not all the way there (silly postpartum depression. You should go away) but I made a HUGE step yesterday! For some reason, the idea of going grocery shopping with Cambria by myself seemed like a daunting task. I hadn't ever done it, UNTIL YESTERDAY! I was so proud of myself!
That was the one household task that was hanging over my head that made me feel like I wasn't all they way recovered from having a baby.
BAM! I did it! :)


  1. Yay!! It seems daunting at first, but once you get used to shopping with a baby, you'll be taking her out on purpose just so people can see how cute she is.:)

  2. Exactly... well said.
