Thursday, February 27, 2014


I am in the process of weaning the little one. Holy cow it's been a long journey! It's been over a month and I'm still not done! I didn't think weaning would take this long. I am proud to say that I have successfully dropped all the day time feedings, now it's the scary part... night time and first thing in the morning.

I must say, I have always said that I wanted to nurse for about a year, but I was very aware that my milk could dry up before the year mark (actually it was a cause of worry quite regularly). I have had moments of just loving nursing, and moments that I wanted to be done (mostly when she would pull at my shirt in public). Now that it's almost all over it's still a little bitter sweet. I miss the guaranteed bonding time we would have and the convenience of nursing, I never had to worry about forgetting to pack food for her. But I love that she will randomly come sit in my lap when she plays or just cuddle up and give me the sweetest loves (yes I think that is a result of weaning).

Weaning has gone a lot smoother than I thought it would. I'm so grateful for that! I think she was ready, and I know I was too. I think we both like familiarity, and that's why we both liked nursing, that's how it's always been... but now we'll just have to bond over something else, maybe like enjoying the same food :)

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