Some of her developments and favorite things are:
- grabbing toys; she is starting to be able to twist the toys, and is getting a lot better at manipulating them the way she wants to.
- she loves to feel things with her fingertips. She often has long nails, which can easily be mistaken for liking to scratch things, including my face (more on that later) but I think she just loves discovering the texture of things
- Kissing; she LOVES to kiss! She will grab my (or daddy's) face and not let go till we bring our face to hers and let her kiss (or open mouth slobber) on it. It's quite sweet. I love it because not only is she kissing us, but she's showing that she's learning from our actions. We kiss her face A LOT!
- She is starting to be able to move on her belly. Not forward or backward, but she can move in circles. If there is a toy to the left or to the right of where she is she will move to get it.
- She is really showing her desire for things, she has toys and other things that she wants. And she reaches for them till she gets them.
- She has a few toys that she loves. They are:

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