Can you believe I have a 3 year old?!? In some ways I can, it's hard to remember what life was like before I had kids.
We struggled to decide when to celebrate her birthday because Jonathan (obviously) had to work and I had rehearsal that night. We decided that we would just celebrate it on Saturday. On Thursday, we did tell her it was her birthday, but that we would celebrate on a different day, she seemed ok with that. We kept wishing her a happy birthday and letting her do more of what she wanted because it was her birthday. Jonathan stayed home a little later than usual (left around 9:00). I love that he has the flexibility to be able to do that. Thursdays are usually grocery shopping day, and there is a ward parenting class that happens on Thursday mornings. She loves going to the store Fresh Thyme because they have fresh peanut butter samples and little carts. Grocery shopping doesn't get much better than that. I knew I couldn't do both (because I never can do both... I do try to every Thursday, and it never happens) and have dinner ready at a reasonable time. So I asked her if she wanted to go play at Aunties, or go to Fresh Thyme; she chose to play at Aunties.
After we got home, it was a normal day, special time, then quiet time, then after they woke up we got in the car (which we all know is a process) and by the time we were in the car we didn't have time to go to Fresh Thyme so we went to Wendys. We never go out to eat, so that was a super nice treat.

On Saturday, it was a little awkward because we all knew it wasn't her birthday, but we wanted to have our special stuff to celebrate a birthday (I think in the future, we are just going to make the day as special as we can, and call it good). I woke up early and made scones. Not because she asked for them but because I didn't get around to making them for Valentines day. She didn't mind, she liked that, if it's bread and it's fried, it's good! Then I went shopping with Auntie for birthday stuff for Cambria, and Jonathan went to a baptism and called grandma and grandpa Kershaw. When I got home, we ate food and opened presents with Nana and Grandpa via skype. Cambria got a balance bike and a few books and a few sets of clothing. It turned out to be a beautiful day, so we took the bike out and took a walk. It was so fun!
This is a dress I bought Cambria for Holly's wedding in a few weeks. It almost matches my bridesmaid's dress exactly ;) |
I love that my boy loves sticks! |
Our walk was boycotted by this playground... since they weren't aloud to play on it, we turned around and walked back to my car. |
how cute is this picture!? |
so cute! |
This is the cake I made for Cambria... it's a whole blog post in and of itself... it didn't turn out that great, but it didn't fall apart, so I'm going to call it a success. |
We threw together a last minute party and had a few friends come over to eat all that cake.
It was a good celebration. I'm so grateful for my sweet big girl, even though she drives me nuts sometimes. I guess those you love the most, drive you nuts sometimes... because you know them best.
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