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This month:
- she has become a master crawler!
- she can also maneuver around furniture while standing
-she still just wants mommy
- she's getting really good at assisted walking. She can cruse if you hold her fingers.
- just yesterday she was standing holding on to the couch and was distracted and let go of the couch and stood for a few seconds (HUGE! She's getting so big!)
- she's discovering that it's fun to play in other rooms besides the one that mommy is in.
- LOVES the bathroom, likes pulling herself up on the toilet (gross). I haven't quite figured out how to do my business without having her invade my space... I should just close the door but the house isn't always perfectly baby proof so I don't feel comfortable letting her get into whatever she wants while I'm in the bathroom... ... rant. Sorry.
- she's pretty good at trying new foods. She even will eat green beans and broccoli! GO CAMBRIA! Still no spoon feeding though. I guess she'll have to learn to use a spoon.
LOVE that girl!!