I visited the OB again last week, I had lost ten pounds past my pre-pregnancy weight and I was worried that my thyroid medication was off. When I visited with my doctor he asked me how much food I eat. He said that I probably only eat 1500-1600 a day, and I need a lot more than that. We talked about how expensive food is, so he suggested drinking whole milk three times a day, and mixing carnation's instant breakfast in with one of my glasses a day. This will give me the nutrients and calories I need, for relatively cheep. (not going to lie, I felt a little like Alan (my nephew, who also has a hard time gaining weight) I almost felt like my OB was going to suggest putting oil on my food too.)
Well, I don't really like whole milk, I feel like I'm drinking cream, so I got two percent for me, and skim for Jonathan (Aldi doesn't have one percent...)
So, after looking in the fridge on Friday, I realized who is the milk drinker in the family.
[caption id="attachment_614" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

The pink milk is Jonathan's. The blue milk is mine. Keep in mind that I went shopping on Tuesday. I think I drink a lot of milk...[/caption]
That's weird that Aldi doesn't have 1%. I could've sworn we have it here... I should have been more on top of my weight while I was nursing. I'm gaining it back now though! That's the solution. Just get pregnant again.;)