Thursday, June 20, 2013


So you know on the movie "What About Bob" in the end when Dr. Marvin dances around saying that he's free? (click here to watch a small section of it) Ya, I felt like that today when I met with my therapist when she told me that I for sure don't have postpartum depression anymore! WAHOO!!! Granted, I still have good days and bad days, but guess what, everyone does! She said that I'm "definitely out of the woods"!!! I literally felt a weight lifted when she said that. WAHOOOOOO! Yep, I think I agree with her.

just thought I'd share.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Happy dance! And you know what makes it even better? Tomorrow's Friday. And you know what we'll be doin' this weekend? Partyin', partyin' YEAH!
