Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Growth and Developmental Spurt

So I have been told once my baby turned 3 months she'll start to be able to do a lot more things. So I was anticipating her to develop a lot... but man! She's growing up so fast! I feel like things are happening over night! Yesterday, for example, she grabbed a stuffed animal for the first time! I swear, the day before she was barley figuring out how to move her arms. All of the sudden she's coordinated enough to open her arms, open her hands, close her arms, then close her fingers around the toy, move her arms to her mouth and slobber on the toy! Since when did she figure that out?!?

I was looking at her today, and I think she has grown a ton overnight too! She looks so much older than she did a couple days ago.

Crazy stuff! (I'll post pictures and videos either here or on Facebook soon)

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