Jonathan came home one day this week and told me an interesting story. He was chatting with a few people from his program, and one girl asked how I was doing. (side note: People out here are AWESOME! Everyone from his lab mates, to the secretaries in the office know I'm pregnant, and ask Jonathan how I'm doing...) He told her that I was good, and then without a skip of a beat she says "babies are gross!" and goes off about how gross they are. This started a discussion about it.
Jonathan wasn't offended or anything by it, he just commented to me how interesting people are. This got me going too, I'm not offended either, but sometimes people don't think. That's all. After talking about it I said "I bet she is re-living that moment in her head, just wishing she could turn back time." I don't know if she is or not, but I feel that way all the time. I often say open-mouth-insert-foot comments!
For example: Right when we moved into our new ward out here I met a Brazilian lady. I was talking to her and told her that I have some awesome recipes for Feijoada and I would love to make it for her and her family. She wasn't too impressed by this comment. She was very gracious and simply offered to have us over instead :). After finishing up the conversation, I realized how rude and insensitive that was (yes, I'm a little slow). And, Oh how I wished I could have turned back time! Thankfully people are forgiving, and I just talked to her a bit later and apologized for my lack of thought in that comment.
Moral of the story? People are funny.
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