In my Pregnancy Calender (a very cool calender that I was given, basically it's a 40 week calender with your progress and tips and such in it) it says "Nesting - scientists say it's an instinct. Go with it!" Jonathan asked what nesting was and I told him that from what I heard, it's just when soon-to-be mom's go crazy cleaning things, or doing something to prepare for baby to come.
If he would have waited a week, he could have experienced it first hand.
...So we have a two bedroom apartment out here. One is our room, and the other is going to be Baby's room. For now it's the craft room/anything that doesn't have a place's room (which we all know equates to the junk room, and also the "quick, someone's coming over, so let's make the apartment look clean, so throw everything in the extra room" room). One of the things I wanted to do when I got home from Utah was clean and organize that room.
I started cleaning that room, and since I can't do too much at a time, it took me about a week, but it looks SO good! I didn't realize it, but after several days of doing the same thing, Jonathan asked if I was nesting. Then it hit me. I'm totally nesting!
Bring it on! I'm ready to get ready for this baby!