Corbin's official birthday is tomorrow, but Jonathan will be gone all day, so we decided to celebrate today.
I can't believe he's 3! He is such a happy boy. He is starting to talk a lot more which just adds to his "I want to make you laugh" personality. He is so thoughtful and caring. We are so glad he's part of our crew!
As soon as we were up, I wanted to start on waffles. He wanted to help. For some reason, he seems so big in this picture. Jonathan commented that he's growing up, to which he replied "yup, just like Daniel Tiger!" (he watched an episode all about Daniel Tiger growing up and being a big helper) |
Daddy suggested we open one present in the morning. The only gift that was wrapped was the one Cambria bought for him and helped me wrap yesterday. So that's what he got to open. |
I told him to say thank you to Bia and then this happened. They really do have a sweet relationship. |
Not pictured: I had a friend come over and cut all my hair off! I'll probably blog about it later.
Right after quiet time I made frosting for his cupcakes. He was right by my side. Right where he likes to be. Bonus: he got to lick the beater... and the bowl... |
Not pictured: Hot dogs for lunch! We also went to the park. It was good to get out of the house. He is starting to get brave enough to play by himself. He still would rather me be right there with him, playing. I did actually do that for a few minutes. Go me!
After the park Daddy came home a little early and played with the kids while I got Hawaiian haystacks ready for dinner. That is literally the only dinner meal my kids will actually eat. I make a lot more food than that but they take one bite and then they are done.
We had floats (edible bubbles... it doesn't get much better than that) and needed something to put candles in... so we had cupcakes too. Thankfully neither of the kids finished either dessert, so I don't think they were too flooded with sugar. |
"show me your bubbles!"
I'm not sure why, but the quality of the pictures dramatically decreased with these ones. Sorry.
"oh-ho! Me-me own playdoh toys! And playdoh!!" |
This is me trying to get in some pictures too. Corbin got soap (as many bubbles to dump into the sink at one time as he wants!!!) and playdoh toys. |
Thanks Grandma Fletcher, and Grandma and Grandpa Kershaw for the cards! |
LOVE this - Happy Birthday Corbin