Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Fly on the Wall

I learn by watching. I would so much rather (and I would learn better) by watching a Youtube video on how to unclog a bathtub drain then read about it. True story... it happened today.

I was spending time with a friend who I admire a lot. After she left, I wished I could be a fly on her wall so I could see how she parents her daughter and uses her time. Then I got thinking about all the people I wished I could observe how they parent and use their time. I think I would learn a lot, and and realize that I could push myself to be better.

1 comment:

  1. There is a YouTube channel called The Mom's View where they talk about issues and different topic. They have a wide variety of people on there. A few of them are even LDS. You might be interested in it.
