There are lots of areas in a person's life. Which means there are lots of areas that a person can feel like they are doing their best but still not measuring up. Why is that?
I'm having a day like that. I feel like I look at different aspects of my life and I'm just reminded of yet another area I should work harder at.
Some days, in the mommy area I feel like I could have done better. I could have paid more attentioon to Cambria, or I could have been more fun throughout the day. Some days I feel really good, but some days she spreads me thin... Today I got so thin I had a VERY nasty mommy moment. Not ok.
Most days in the home maker area I feel like I barely scrape by at best. I never get done all that I would like to, and a rarely get done what I should.
In the church calling category, when I think about it I'm reminded how much better it would be if I was just a bit more organized, and thought and planned ahead more.
Today I had a low on all these areas...
I had a relief society activities planning meeting tonight that I was not even close to prepared for. Then every idea I had was shot down by my committee... That didn't help my already poor mood. We have an activity coming up in a week and I haven't thought through half of what the activity is going to be. Since I hadn't before the meeting, it's not going to be what I was hoping it would be. It's going to be a lot more simple, which I hope doesn't come across as un planned, or as a half hearted effort.
Like I said, thee mommy area was not a high point today eiather.
And to top it all off, the house was a mess all day, that is till jonathan came home and played super dad and did a lot to help.
Oh, and I still haven't read my scriptures...
This may come across as a depressed post. I'm not feeling depressed, I just think it's healthy to talk about life as it really happens. Some days are better than others. Today I just feel like I'm spread really thin. Hopefully a good nights rest will help me feel thicker for tomorrow ;)
I just think it's healthy to talk about life as it really happens: I think so too! If we only record the super good days, or the super bad days, the picture is skewed. Also, I like the look of your new blog! Nice to read about your cute family.