**To be completely honest, now that I'm 26 and paying for my own health insurance money has all of the sudden become very tight.**
That being said, let's get on with the story:
For the last week to two weeks Jonathan has said that his cells at work haven't been working out (not growing well, dying prematurely, getting contaminated...) whatever it is, he hasn't been able to do many if any experiments. If this continued he didn't think he could make it out for our quick vacation to Philly to support my brother for his Dental School Graduation! My whole family will be there so it's more than just a grad, it's a family reunion.
Well... his cells didn't cooperate. So we decided on Monday that he needed to stay home. With that came the question: how am I going to get myself and Cambria there? After a lot of phone calls we decided that I would ride with my sister out there (she had room out there but not on the way back) and then we would check the price of a one way flight back home. We saw some for $140, which would be less than gas going both ways, so we thought that was a deal! Right before we clicked to order the ticket we thought we should check some other sites. We saw a direct flight, at a better time of day for $39.00!!!! We jumped on that one for sure!
We did not fail to recognize how much money this would save us, and thank our Heavenly Father for both the inspiration to fly home, and also the inspiration to look at a few more sites before booking with the first site.
We have two vacations planned this summer, this one and one to visit Jonathan's family. Both of which are going to be expensive, and if we did both, we wouldn't have enough money budgeted. We felt like it was important to go to both, and so we kept with our original plans to make it to both events. Blessings like this one is how we are going to be able to make them work financially. Thank You Heavenly Father!
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