Cambria is just so cute. This week she has started holding her arms out like "what happened?" you know what I'm talking about? Arms out to the side with elbows bent and hands facing up.
She has also started raising her hand. We'll ask if she wants a banana in the morning and she'll raise her hand! I doubt it's to answer the question we asked, but it's still pretty cute!
Another favorite is she will walk with us holding her hand! (she still can't walk unassisted, but she can do it one handed) I hope that this lasts for a while. I love walking hand in hand with her
Some not so favorite things: she has discovered that if she puts food on her head she gets a reaction out of mommy... It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't have hair... but banana hair isn't the most attractive thing in the world.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
I am in the process of weaning the little one. Holy cow it's been a long journey! It's been over a month and I'm still not done! I didn't think weaning would take this long. I am proud to say that I have successfully dropped all the day time feedings, now it's the scary part... night time and first thing in the morning.
I must say, I have always said that I wanted to nurse for about a year, but I was very aware that my milk could dry up before the year mark (actually it was a cause of worry quite regularly). I have had moments of just loving nursing, and moments that I wanted to be done (mostly when she would pull at my shirt in public). Now that it's almost all over it's still a little bitter sweet. I miss the guaranteed bonding time we would have and the convenience of nursing, I never had to worry about forgetting to pack food for her. But I love that she will randomly come sit in my lap when she plays or just cuddle up and give me the sweetest loves (yes I think that is a result of weaning).
Weaning has gone a lot smoother than I thought it would. I'm so grateful for that! I think she was ready, and I know I was too. I think we both like familiarity, and that's why we both liked nursing, that's how it's always been... but now we'll just have to bond over something else, maybe like enjoying the same food :)
I must say, I have always said that I wanted to nurse for about a year, but I was very aware that my milk could dry up before the year mark (actually it was a cause of worry quite regularly). I have had moments of just loving nursing, and moments that I wanted to be done (mostly when she would pull at my shirt in public). Now that it's almost all over it's still a little bitter sweet. I miss the guaranteed bonding time we would have and the convenience of nursing, I never had to worry about forgetting to pack food for her. But I love that she will randomly come sit in my lap when she plays or just cuddle up and give me the sweetest loves (yes I think that is a result of weaning).
Weaning has gone a lot smoother than I thought it would. I'm so grateful for that! I think she was ready, and I know I was too. I think we both like familiarity, and that's why we both liked nursing, that's how it's always been... but now we'll just have to bond over something else, maybe like enjoying the same food :)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Mop
I have never spent more than 5 bucks on a mop. The one we had didn't do much more than get the floor wet and move the dirt around. I didn't like this, especially since the dirt is so visible on our floors. I saw on Pinterest that you can buy a swiffer and make washable pads, and use a special trick to fill up the "unfillable" water-spitter that goes on it. I decided that was what I was going to do. No more cheap mop for me!
When I was at the store I found a mop that had everything I wanted, washable pad, and refillable water-spitter! (and the swiffer wouldn't' have worked with the way that I saw on Pinterest to make the pad). So I bought it, Jonathan didn't say anything when I told him it was $25 but I could tell he was a bit apprehensive that it was all it was cracked up to be.
All it took was him watching me mop once! Then he couldn't stop talking about how awesome this mop was! I thought it was going to take at least him giving it a shot... nope! He just needed to witness the awesomeness of the mop.
I'm not going to lie... I had this commercial running through my head the entire time I was mopping.
When I was at the store I found a mop that had everything I wanted, washable pad, and refillable water-spitter! (and the swiffer wouldn't' have worked with the way that I saw on Pinterest to make the pad). So I bought it, Jonathan didn't say anything when I told him it was $25 but I could tell he was a bit apprehensive that it was all it was cracked up to be.
All it took was him watching me mop once! Then he couldn't stop talking about how awesome this mop was! I thought it was going to take at least him giving it a shot... nope! He just needed to witness the awesomeness of the mop.
I'm not going to lie... I had this commercial running through my head the entire time I was mopping.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Cold cold
I have had a cold this week. On Sunday is when it really started to get in the way of everyday life. I couldn't sing in choir practice, and then when Jonathan was singing some songs to Cambee I joined him... in his register. Afterwards he said "I didn't know you could sing tenor"
The next day I had even less of a voice, I tried to read Cambria a book and not much more than a few squeaks came out, she got a good laugh out of it.
Yesterday, though, was the worst of it! I woke up and my head was fuzzy, my muscles ached, my throat hurt, I had a horrible cough and I couldn't breath through my nose... It was all I could do to lay down and watch Cambria play. Right as she (and I) were waking up from our first nap of the day, and angel called me and asked to take Cambria for a few hours. How did she know I needed so much help!?! Well, a few hours turned into all day. What a blessing that was! I slept, all. day. When I couldn't sleep anymore, I was laying on the couch watching "Chopped" on Youtube.
Jonathan was amazing! He came home early, went grocery shopping, made food, cleaned up dinner, took care of baby, gave her a bath, got her ready for bed... need I say more? He did it all. All the while, I am sprawled on the couch trying to thank him.
Thankfully I feel so much better today!
The next day I had even less of a voice, I tried to read Cambria a book and not much more than a few squeaks came out, she got a good laugh out of it.
Yesterday, though, was the worst of it! I woke up and my head was fuzzy, my muscles ached, my throat hurt, I had a horrible cough and I couldn't breath through my nose... It was all I could do to lay down and watch Cambria play. Right as she (and I) were waking up from our first nap of the day, and angel called me and asked to take Cambria for a few hours. How did she know I needed so much help!?! Well, a few hours turned into all day. What a blessing that was! I slept, all. day. When I couldn't sleep anymore, I was laying on the couch watching "Chopped" on Youtube.
Jonathan was amazing! He came home early, went grocery shopping, made food, cleaned up dinner, took care of baby, gave her a bath, got her ready for bed... need I say more? He did it all. All the while, I am sprawled on the couch trying to thank him.
Thankfully I feel so much better today!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
My one year old!
I have a one year old. I have been a mom for a whole year! I can't believe that only a year ago I didn't know this amazing little person living in my home. I can't believe that it's only been a year, and I can't believe that it's already been a year. I said that when she was a month, but it's even more true now.
Let's just take a short trip down memory lane, shall we?
[caption id="attachment_1138" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
This was only at 36 weeks, but it's the last pregnant picture I have.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1140" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
First of many cuddles[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1151" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
she love spending time with Daddy[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1152" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
First time on the swing[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1154" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
With best bud, Levi[/caption]

Woah! That's a lot of pictures! I hope I can keep taking lots of pictures... so far, my record has significantly decreased... I need to be better.
Also, just in case you haven't had enough Cambria cuteness... here's a video for you to enjoy...
I'll post her pictures from tonight later.
We decided to just have a small party with just us and grandparents via Google Hangout. It turned out to be perfect because I have a cold that has wiped me out, and I have no energy. So... I'm glad that I didn't have to worry about entertaining friends, all the while spreading the germs.
It's been a great day, and a wonderful year. We are so blessed to have this wonderful girl in our family!
Let's just take a short trip down memory lane, shall we?
[caption id="attachment_1138" align="aligncenter" width="584"]

[caption id="attachment_1140" align="aligncenter" width="584"]

[caption id="attachment_1151" align="aligncenter" width="584"]

[caption id="attachment_1152" align="aligncenter" width="584"]

[caption id="attachment_1154" align="aligncenter" width="584"]

Woah! That's a lot of pictures! I hope I can keep taking lots of pictures... so far, my record has significantly decreased... I need to be better.
Also, just in case you haven't had enough Cambria cuteness... here's a video for you to enjoy...
I'll post her pictures from tonight later.
We decided to just have a small party with just us and grandparents via Google Hangout. It turned out to be perfect because I have a cold that has wiped me out, and I have no energy. So... I'm glad that I didn't have to worry about entertaining friends, all the while spreading the germs.
It's been a great day, and a wonderful year. We are so blessed to have this wonderful girl in our family!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
My Emotional Journey
I had quite a journey yesterday. I want to share. WARNING: THIS IS A LONG POST!
As I was on Facebook I saw a picture of a guy friend from high school, posing with a girl and they seemed very happy. Then I read the caption with the picture "She said yes". Here's what went through my head... "wait, he's engaged? I thought he was married... I KNOW he was married... What happened?" So that shows you how much I keep up with some friends from high school. In my defense, he's a guy, and I try to keep guy relationships at a safe distance. He is also a previous crush that I had through ALL of high school, I also was convinced that I was going to marry him (not like "haha, you're cute" kind of convinced, but I was really convinced. I wrote him on his mission, and happened to be single when he got back, then he broke my heart... hard... like really hard (side note: the reason why he broke my heart so bad wasn't because he did anything horrible, he just didn't give me closure (which we all know not communicating with me is like an unpardonable sin in my book, I have a HUGE need for communication) and also because I was that smitten)). I promise, there was a reason why I disclosed all that information. Ya, makes sense why I'm not that close with him anymore.
Anyway, when I saw that he was engaged (yesterday), I had a lot of emotions running through my head. He got married after I did, like a year after I did so his first marriage couldn't have lasted that long. I immediately jumped to: "please tell me that his wife died..." I know that's horrible, but then that would explain his marital status, and divorce wouldn't be in the picture. He's a really good kid, and I couldn't imagine him getting a divorce. Long story short, I did some serious stalking and found out he must have gotten a divorce. I was really shaken by this news.
Ok... there's the background, let me tell you about my journey.
My first thought was horrible. My first thought was "it's a good thing I didn't marry him, because then I would be the one divorced." I know, horrible... Don't judge. I don't think things like that often, maybe it was because of the of pain he caused me. Other thoughts passed through my head, like the small issues he had communicating with me, or other faults he may have had. These thoughts lingered for a long time. Ya horrible, I know. Stick with me, it gets better.
I just couldn't get him out of my head, I was so shocked that such a good guy was divorced after such a short time. How could that happen? Then better thoughts started coming to mind. I started thinking about the good people I know who are divorced, more specifically the good young people I know. I only know a few, but in every situation of marriages ending early (under two years) it's because of abuse. Granted, this is not always the case, but this was the next thought that I had. I liked this situation a lot better than my original "he is a monster and he can't have a healthy relationship" thought. He very well could have been a victim of something horrible, and the early termination of his marriage could have been completely out of his control. This possibility felt so much better on my nerves.
As I was mulling those thoughts in my head, this thought came to mind. "He's a good guy, yes he has faults, but I'm sure they aren't any worse than any other imperfect person in a healthy relationship". This hit me hard. Yes, he has faults, so do I , everyone does. The miracle of it all is that our faults don't have to be fatal to our relationships. That's what's so wonderful about the atonement, and about the miracle of forgiveness. That's the key, though, we have to forgive, forget, and move on. Don't let the imperfections of those we love get in the way of loving them. I'm really grateful I had that thought, because that was a huge ah-ha. I feel like that was pure inspiration.
Can you tell that I was thinking about this for a long time? The news had a HUGE impact on me, and I thought about it all day. I'm grateful that I did, though, because I went on a journey. One that started out in a really bad spot, full of judgement and criticism. Thankfully, it didn't end there, I was able to get to a point where I really feel like I have just as much respect for him as I did when he was on his mission (minus the infatuation ;) ). My journey ended with peace, respect and a little insight on how to improve my own relationships.
So... Love those you love. Assume the best; it's so much better for your emotional health.
As I was on Facebook I saw a picture of a guy friend from high school, posing with a girl and they seemed very happy. Then I read the caption with the picture "She said yes". Here's what went through my head... "wait, he's engaged? I thought he was married... I KNOW he was married... What happened?" So that shows you how much I keep up with some friends from high school. In my defense, he's a guy, and I try to keep guy relationships at a safe distance. He is also a previous crush that I had through ALL of high school, I also was convinced that I was going to marry him (not like "haha, you're cute" kind of convinced, but I was really convinced. I wrote him on his mission, and happened to be single when he got back, then he broke my heart... hard... like really hard (side note: the reason why he broke my heart so bad wasn't because he did anything horrible, he just didn't give me closure (which we all know not communicating with me is like an unpardonable sin in my book, I have a HUGE need for communication) and also because I was that smitten)). I promise, there was a reason why I disclosed all that information. Ya, makes sense why I'm not that close with him anymore.
Anyway, when I saw that he was engaged (yesterday), I had a lot of emotions running through my head. He got married after I did, like a year after I did so his first marriage couldn't have lasted that long. I immediately jumped to: "please tell me that his wife died..." I know that's horrible, but then that would explain his marital status, and divorce wouldn't be in the picture. He's a really good kid, and I couldn't imagine him getting a divorce. Long story short, I did some serious stalking and found out he must have gotten a divorce. I was really shaken by this news.
Ok... there's the background, let me tell you about my journey.
My first thought was horrible. My first thought was "it's a good thing I didn't marry him, because then I would be the one divorced." I know, horrible... Don't judge. I don't think things like that often, maybe it was because of the of pain he caused me. Other thoughts passed through my head, like the small issues he had communicating with me, or other faults he may have had. These thoughts lingered for a long time. Ya horrible, I know. Stick with me, it gets better.
I just couldn't get him out of my head, I was so shocked that such a good guy was divorced after such a short time. How could that happen? Then better thoughts started coming to mind. I started thinking about the good people I know who are divorced, more specifically the good young people I know. I only know a few, but in every situation of marriages ending early (under two years) it's because of abuse. Granted, this is not always the case, but this was the next thought that I had. I liked this situation a lot better than my original "he is a monster and he can't have a healthy relationship" thought. He very well could have been a victim of something horrible, and the early termination of his marriage could have been completely out of his control. This possibility felt so much better on my nerves.
As I was mulling those thoughts in my head, this thought came to mind. "He's a good guy, yes he has faults, but I'm sure they aren't any worse than any other imperfect person in a healthy relationship". This hit me hard. Yes, he has faults, so do I , everyone does. The miracle of it all is that our faults don't have to be fatal to our relationships. That's what's so wonderful about the atonement, and about the miracle of forgiveness. That's the key, though, we have to forgive, forget, and move on. Don't let the imperfections of those we love get in the way of loving them. I'm really grateful I had that thought, because that was a huge ah-ha. I feel like that was pure inspiration.
Can you tell that I was thinking about this for a long time? The news had a HUGE impact on me, and I thought about it all day. I'm grateful that I did, though, because I went on a journey. One that started out in a really bad spot, full of judgement and criticism. Thankfully, it didn't end there, I was able to get to a point where I really feel like I have just as much respect for him as I did when he was on his mission (minus the infatuation ;) ). My journey ended with peace, respect and a little insight on how to improve my own relationships.
So... Love those you love. Assume the best; it's so much better for your emotional health.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Today is February 13. Today is the day my wonderful cousin was born. She would have been 16 today. She was killed in a car accident a few years ago. I think about her often. Especially in February.
Cambria was named after her, Cambria Danae. Nae was such a loving person. She loved everyone, and had a special connection with everyone. I felt like I was especially loved by her, and I think everyone felt that way. Here's a perfect example of who she is. For school everyone in her class made a time capsule. In it, they wrote who their best friend was, most people wrote one or two names. Nae, on the other hand had an entire list, it filled the whole paper.
Nae had a zeal for life that not many people have. She loved life, and loved living it. She worked hard, and played hard. I love her, and miss her. I know there are people out there who love her and miss her more, and I think about them and pray for them often.
I hope miss Cambee can grow up to live life like her namesake.
Cambria was named after her, Cambria Danae. Nae was such a loving person. She loved everyone, and had a special connection with everyone. I felt like I was especially loved by her, and I think everyone felt that way. Here's a perfect example of who she is. For school everyone in her class made a time capsule. In it, they wrote who their best friend was, most people wrote one or two names. Nae, on the other hand had an entire list, it filled the whole paper.
Nae had a zeal for life that not many people have. She loved life, and loved living it. She worked hard, and played hard. I love her, and miss her. I know there are people out there who love her and miss her more, and I think about them and pray for them often.
I hope miss Cambee can grow up to live life like her namesake.
I have an almost one year old. I'm still coming to terms with that. I did a 6 month party for her, so by default I feel like I need to do a 1 year old party. Recently, my time has been used for other things besides planning a party. Now I'm debating if I should or not. It's a real internal battle at the moment.
I love parties, I love having the excuse to have people over and to have some fun to break up the ordinary, and the mundane. But, is it more work (and possibly expense) than I'm willing to put in? Jonathan has mentioned just doing a family skype/hangout party. My family can watch her attack her first cake. That would be really fun! But so would having my friends (and hers too) come over and play for an evening.
Decisions decisions.
I love parties, I love having the excuse to have people over and to have some fun to break up the ordinary, and the mundane. But, is it more work (and possibly expense) than I'm willing to put in? Jonathan has mentioned just doing a family skype/hangout party. My family can watch her attack her first cake. That would be really fun! But so would having my friends (and hers too) come over and play for an evening.
Decisions decisions.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
There have been lots of firsts lately. Today Cambee had her first taste of chocolate. It wasn't just any chocolate, it was Brazilian chocolate! She got really mad when the candy bar was gone. She started gnawing on the wrapper without us noticing and bit through it. Since she had a taste we thought she might as well just eat it (it was a fun size).
She transferred to her big girl car seat this last week. She is officially no longer our infant. She's so big.
She also had her first bow without a headband too! This is big, guys, this is big!
She transferred to her big girl car seat this last week. She is officially no longer our infant. She's so big.
She also had her first bow without a headband too! This is big, guys, this is big!
Friday, February 7, 2014
The Rest of Wisconsin and Our EPIC Adventure!
Here are the rest of the pictures from my/our trip
[caption id="attachment_1107" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Cambee in a box! I almost sent this picture to Nana and said "now all I need is some postage and I'll be on my way" But we'd have to find a box to fit mommy too...[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1108" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
classic bathtub picture. I love this one![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1109" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Notice how much Cambee is loving it, and Arilyn isn't too excited? Arilyn wanted to get in, but when Cambee wouldn't stop splashing, she was over it.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1110" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
So Arilyn left and Cambee had a blast! Someday, little girl, we'll have a bath tub for you :)[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1111" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
the big 1 month old![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1113" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Cambria liked looking at the snow from a distance, so did I. It's pretty when you are away from it and warm.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1114" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Look at those eyes! He's so cute![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1115" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
the most of a smile I ever got. I'll take it![/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1116" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
[caption id="attachment_1117" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
I love this picture! He knows who is momma is![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1119" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Ralf the nightly hair dresser did quite the number on The Miss[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1120" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
Look at this cutie! She wanted to kiss, and hold the doll. So I put it up for her and she grabbed it and started rocking. She's going to be the best big sister some day.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1121" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
BIL James works at a place called Epic. They theme each building and they don't pretend... it's an all out decor (interior and exterior!) This is one of their underground tunnels so the employees can go from building to building without going outside. A must in WI[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1122" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
I see modern dance moves and I just have to copy them. I'm not as flexible as I once was...[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_1123" align="aligncenter" width="584"]
the slide in the "Heaven" building. Cambee's first slide too. Big day for her :)[/caption]
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Legit weapons, we didn't get pictures on the thrones, but there were some on the opposite wall.[/caption]
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Arilyn wanted a picture too. She's too cute! (She posed herself)[/caption]
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Thursday, February 6, 2014
It is so wonderful on hard days/weeks to have a friend come over. Even if it's just for an hour or two. I must be a true extrovert because people coming over really gives me so much energy.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
First Experience with Milk
We gave Cambria milk for the first time yesterday (don't worry, the nurse at her dr.'s office said it was fine). I wish I could have caught her reaction on video! It was so funny! She was all gung-ho about trying it and then when she realized it wasn't water she opened her mouth, scrunched her eyebrows and let the mouthful of milk dribble down her chin and onto her bib! HAHA! I'm laughing as I think about it. She's a cutie.
Sorry baby, you are going to have to get used to milk, there's no other dairy option in this house. (dairy drink... I'm not going to try goats milk, or any other mammal's milk)
Sorry baby, you are going to have to get used to milk, there's no other dairy option in this house. (dairy drink... I'm not going to try goats milk, or any other mammal's milk)
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