Sometimes I think I have this parenting thing so easy... Cambria is such a good baby! Granted, she's not perfect all the time, not every day is easy, but she is really good most of the time. I'm not saying this to brag, I am so grateful. SO GRATEFUL!
She is a good sleeper (who else will just put herself to sleep if mommy puts her in bed fully alert (with little-to no crying))
She is (often) very easy to calm down once she does start crying.
She is so happy
She laughs easily
She enjoys entertaining herself when I need to get some stuff done...
I could go on, but I won't. Again, I'm not saying this to brag. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for how good of a baby she is.
Everyone has different trials, some people's are having fussy babies, others are struggling to get a baby, some is postpartum depression... I have had my trials, and I know I will continue to have them. But, that doesn't take away the fact that I can find joy in my blessings (so can you).
I'm so grateful for her. Sometimes I feel like I am a parent with training wheels. I know I'll be a full fledged mommy with kids that aren't as easy someday, but today, I'm going to enjoy it and recognize it.
You know what they say... "I was a perfect parent till I had my second kid"