She turned two months on April 18. I can't believe it's been two months already!
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I am so in love with her!
Some major milestones this month are:
- smiling! This is our favorite milestone! She started smiling in response to us on my birthday. What a good birthday present!
- sucking on her hand - she now has enough control over her arms and hands that she can get her fist to her mouth.
- interest in toys/books. She has started becoming interested in the colors and sounds that toys make. She has a favorite book that has bright colors. It's her favorite to look at
- hitting toys to make them rattle - I think she's making the connection that if she hits a dangling toy, then it will move and make noise. It's so cute to watch her! On the same note, if she kicks her legs while in her bouncer, the toys attached will move! She enjoys that!
- She has started opening and closing her hands, I'm sure she'll start grabbing things within the next month.
- cooing - this is another favorite milestone. It's so fun to hear her feminine voice!
We love our little girl! It's so fun to see her develop! She's such a sweet girl, and she has a way of showing her love already! We are so grateful for her!
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